Bad Behavior

Bypassing Chat Filter

Intentionally bypassing the filter, or swearing


1 - /Warn 2 - Tempmute 30min 3- Tempmute 1 hour 4 - Tempmute 1 Day 5 - Tempmute 1 Week 6 - Tempmute 30 day 7 - Permanent Mute

Staff/Player Disrespect

Staff/Player disrespect is threatening, bullying or calling players names with the intention to single them out and upset/degrade them. Please be nice and respectful to both your fellow players and staff. Any disrespect will be handled with the following punishments:


1 - /Warn 2 - Tempmute 30min 3- Tempmute 1 hour 4 - Tempmute 1 Day 5 - Tempmute 1 Week 6 - Tempmute 30 day 7 - Permanent Mute

Inappropriate Messages


1 - /Warn 2 - 1 day tempmute 3 - 7 day tempmute 4 - Perm Mute

Adult Content

Porn, sexual content, or anything relating to that nature


1 - 30 day mute 2- Permanent mute

Racial Slurs

Depends on the context, up to staff discretion


1 - 1 hour tempmute 2 - 30 day tempmute 3 - Permanent mute

Any Derogatory or Discriminatory Messages

Any racist message will NOT be tolerated here. This includes any derogatory messages that insult one’s race, religion, gender, etc.


1 - 2 week tempMute 2 - 30 day tempMute 3 - Permanent Mute

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment against players/staff WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Examples of this can include threats/suggests of rape, sex, or anything of the sort. Punishments are as follows.


1 - 30 Day Tempmute 2 - Permanent Mute

IRL Death Threats or Promoting Suicide


1 - 30 day tempmute 2 - Permanent Mute

Server Hate

Talking negatively or trash talking the server


1 - /warn 2 - 1 day tempmute 3 - Permanent Mute

Last updated